I’ve written a series of blog posts and random articles, and now I’m trying to collect them all here.
Welcome again, the Internet
After some discussion, at the bar, it was decided that the “Welcome to the Internet” article I posted recently was very front-loaded, and just kind of petered out towards the end and didn’t really make a point… which I absolutely agree with.
Welcome to the Internet
I was born in 1985, which means I grew up with computers, and I have back pain.
Drupal in Government
A short rant/post on how Drupal has impacted the Australian Government, and how it's flexibility is an amazing asset. And also why CAB's need to change.
Part-time life
Picture in your mind, the rolling green fields of Retie, Belgium, with the roar of the crowd from the finals of the 2023 International Tug of War competition about to kick off.
What will the office of the future look like?
The 1950’s futurism movement made a lot of fantastic bold predictions, some of which we are seeing come true, like robotic warehouses and solar cars, and others like the rocket powered postal worker delivering physical letters by jet packing into your yard have sadly not arrived.
Where is our Silicon Valley?
Australia has developed some amazing technologies in the past, from the Hills Hoist clothesline to WiFi, and the Australian spirit is one of innovation and resourcefulness.
No longer just a developer (The lie of Full Stack)
This blog post will probably come off as a bit of an old man ranting at the kids to get off his lawn, but I’m only 32 and the local kids already know not to come onto my lawn.
How has Australia’s internet connectivity strangled a local industry?
The world runs on the internet these days, and the signs have been pointing this way for almost a decade for anyone with the ability to look into the future with any sort of imagination.
Life isn’t just a sequence of waiting for things to be done
I wanted to devote this blog post to mental health… something that is often overlooked in the high-stress male-dominated world of I.T., where it feels like it’s more important that the servers are healthy than the admins are.
Creativity: The endangered key to our future
Creativity is pretty unique… no matter how intelligent computers get, I believe they will always lack the creative gene, that creative spark, the ability to make the illogical leap to say that two plus two can equal five, if we redefine what a two is.
Conference Stereotypes
Recently I attended the DrupalSouth/DrupalGov conference at Hotel Realm, and it was an amazing two days of good talks, good food and good people.
Your backend is showing
I was reading a recent article about the increasing complexity required of developers, and the increased reliance on Javascript front-ends, and one of the commenters hit on something that I have also noticed…
Seasons upon us: Volume 1
With the festive season arriving, there will be singing and cheer for all. But why should the shepherds and reindeer get all the good songs.
Use these Drupal based verses to common Carols to make everyone say “wait, what did you say?”
Seasons upon us: Volume 2
Last year I re-wrote a few classic Christmas Carols for everyone to enjoy. And looks like I've done it again.
No, you don't need an App
Apps are very “in” at the moment, as they have been for a few years now, and some companies think they haven’t quite made it, until they have their own App.
A chair worth sitting in
I am a Tradie. A new generation of digital trades. I work hard, make a product, and deliver it to a client, sometimes if required, I continue to support it.
Alarm Clock: Disrupt
For a little under 100 years, we have been following the example set out by a man named Robert Owen, who actually described it 100 years before that.