
I’m a 150kg+ guy that enjoys bouldering. Watch as I scale amazing heights, and then fall down.

I’m a boulderer the size of a boulder.

I really enjoy bouldering, and when I’m not injured, I climb two or three times a week.


  • I am currently 154kg, but I started climbing when I was closer to 170kg.

  • No. not really. I have a lot of people complain that I'm going to injure myself climbing, and I am and have, but it's not just exercise for me, it's also FUN.

  • Broken left ankle, twisted left ankle, torn left calf, torn right calf.

    In the past I've had motorcycle crashes that gave me a torn left shoulder that got reconstructed and a twisted right ankle from hitting a guard rail.

    I also have a collapsed disc in my lower back, and an abdominal hernia.

  • Not a question, but yes.


I have been lucky enough to attract some positive attention from the following:

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