It’s the final countdown, da na nah nah

17-04-15 09-07-15 Difference
Weight 142.4 121.1 -21.3 kg
Body Fat 38.2 32.9 -5.3 %
Lean Body Mass 83.5 77.2 -6.3 kg
Water 50.1 50.3 +0.2%
Deep Fat (0-12 healthy) 20 17 -3


Upper Arm 41 37.5 -3.5 cm
Forearm 34.2 32.6 -1.6 cm
Wrist 22.8 20.7 -2.1 cm
Chest 129.3 117 -12.3 cm
Waist 128.5 110.2 -18.3 cm
Hips 130.1 111.7 -18.4 cm
Upper Leg 68.5 64.5 -4 cm
Calf 46.6 43.4 -3.2 cm


Switch Kick 54 75 +21
Power Jack 20 40 +20
Power Knee (Right) 45 70 +25
Power Knee (Left) 40 73 +33
Globe Jump 15 21 +6
Burpee 23 (inclined) 15 (proper) -8
Mountain Climber n/a 70 +70
Push Up n/a 35 +35

Exercises are based on how many you can do in one minute, with one minute rest between them.  The Push Ups are based on how many you can do before stopping.

And now, some photos.


Mini update